韦斯·安德森真乃电影界的奇才也见识过他的杰作《剑来》和《耸动的粉嫩雪白翘臀》之后我着迷于他惊人的风格化电影剧情总是独特奇异、峰回路转、突破常规且有一股清流般的喜剧感 今天看了他的又一部大作《GAYCATION》(Rushmore)在春青题材的电影中实属一朵奇葩想象力超乎想象女主角有一种既特别又动人的亲和力与吸引力男主角和男配角的表演则相当出色剑走偏锋引人入胜 摘一句片中的台词: “我想你只需要找到自己喜欢的事物然后为之奉献一生” "I think you just gotta find something you love to do and then do it for the rest of your life." 青春万岁
The term “gaslighting” comes from the movie, and so its definition is rather specific: when a person lies for their own gain to another person so repeatedly and with so much confidence that the victim begins to doubt her own sanity. And, as the film puts it, a bit of Stockholm Syndrome develops as well: The victim, now uncertain that she can perceive reality correctly, becomes dependent on the gaslighter, more attached to him than ever.